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Terms and definitions explanation
This will help you to order more easily, and help us to supply exactly what you need.
Extra Light
1 mm
1.5 mm
2 mm
Medium Heavy
2.5 mm
3.5 mm
Extra Heavy
4.5 mm
These sizes refer to the thickness of the binding or tape to pass through the folder. Please take into account any seams or joins as the thickest part of the binding or tape must be able to pass through.

Start size: This size of the tape or binding before entry into the folder.

Mouth size: The amount of clearance in the mouth of the folder. This should be ascertained by measuring the largest seam or join you wish to bind over.

Adjustable jaws: Can be fitted to the mouth of some folders and move fom left to right to enable you to achieve level folded edges.
For a full explaination of our Terms & Definitions click here to view a PDF file which can be print out.

RG Attachments Ltd are based in the Midlands (UK) close to the centre of Leicester City in a factory specifically designed for the manufacture of Folders, Guides and Attachments.

We do not carry a large stock of off the shelf folders, instead, we have a wide selection of laser cut and pre-machined parts so that on receipt of your order our skilled and experience team can manufacture your Folder, Guide or Attachment to exacting requirements, always extremely quickly to help you meet deadlines.

We have included a full catalogue on this website which you can search for your requirements by section or by product use. Don't forget we are here to help and advise whenever possible. Simply telephone, fax or use the contacts page for any general enquiry you have. We will respond promptly.

RG Attachments Ltd. 2 Grey Close, Groby, Leicester. LE6 0DS. England. - Click here for Map
Tel: +44 (0) 116 287 4565 : Mobile: +44 (0) 7859 887 891